Lady in Black

Queen of Wands - Secret Tarot

I’m using the Secret Tarot (LS) for this week.  I noticed that this deck has the same lady appearing in almost every card.  I wonder if the whole deck is a story about her.

My card for the day is The Queen of Wands.  I didn’t recognize her when I saw this picture because the card looks so mellow and stagnant.  I usually see the Queen of Wands as having a lively and confident personality.  But in this card, she’s pale and lifeless.  Her back is slouched like there is no confidence at all.

I’m guessing that this card is showing us the weakness or the vulnerability of the Queen of Wands.  Yes, she is powerful, experienced and a force to reckon with… but she has insecurities too.  So yes, she is a queen sitting in a throne with a lovely black gown but she’s not afraid to show that she’s human too.

Today, I was working with someone with a similar personality and experience.  Very bossy, in fact.  I knew that she was the person my card is talking about.  It’s funny how I can see these courts easily now in my environment.

On a side note:  My Tarot of Magical Forest (Taiwan Version) is finally here!  No deck has made me smile and laugh like this before.  It has such a huge impact on me.  Not only did this deck travel from LA to Phoenix and back… and now it’s here.  I like having decks with a story.  =D  It just adds appeal to them.  I can’t wait to use and study this deck.

Deck:  Secret Tarot by Lo Scrabeo

Christmas Shopping

The World - Secret Tarot

What a way to start Monday! The World!

This card is always a good sign about completing something. I’m currently finalizing my Christmas shopping for my family. The day is still early and I can still scout the mall for good finds. I already bought my sister a Juicy Couture bag and my mom a Shiseido Skin Care gift package both from Nordstrom. My dad is so hard to find a gift for, so I’m taking my time on that. I’ll probably end up buying him a wallet or something.  So hopefully, I could finish my shopping today!

I also got a few confirmations from my email today… a lot of my orders are being shipped today.  The Bolt Cutter Light and Dark decks are on their way!  Plus, my Tarot of Magical Forest will finally be shipped to the right address… that deck has been going back and forth LA and Phoenix for almost a month!  USPS can be somewhat weird at times.

The Victorian Romantic (shrink-wrapped/unopened) is also on its way.  I’m lucky to find a backup copy of this lovely deck!  I ordered it from e-bay and for a while there, I thought the seller was a bogus!  He doesn’t give quick updates which made me worry for a little bit.  But now, he confirmed that the package left today.

The Tarot of Prague 2nd Edition, on another hand, arrived today!  What a beautiful deck it is.  I’m happy to have found this in the tarot trading section.  It’s still new and unopened.  I noticed it has an extra card called Prudence.  It has similarities with the fool, but this card is about being more careful and mindful before taking a leap.  So far, I’m happy with it and I can’t wait to start using the whole deck.  If only I could find a companion book for it.

Deck:  Secret Tarot by Lo Scarabeo

Quick Delivery

Page of Cups

Page of Cups

I cannot stress strongly enough how I like the artwork of the Deviant Moon.  The unique drawings and bold colors are just amazing.  I love it.  And I don’t think I can ever get tired of using it.

Today I got the page of cups.  The picture shows a page holding a cup with a fish inside it.  He seems to be walking towards the coast so he can bring the fish to its rightful environment.  This card symbolizes that a gift/present is coming on its way or there is a message/letter that will be arriving soon.

I wasn’t expecting my Amazon and Tarot Garden orders to come so quickly today, but it did.  I haven’t mentioned these decks in my previous posts, but I’ve ordered the Fairytale Tarot (Lisa Hunt), World Spirit, Sweet Twilight and Witches Tarot.  I’m really happy that the artwork on all of them are spectacular.  But out of the four decks, the Fairytale and Sweet Twilight are my favorites.

The Witches Tarot is also good, but the court cards are so uncreative.  I mean, the pages, knights, queens and kings has the same facial/body structure… the only thing that makes them apart from each other are the clothing and the environment.  I wonder why the artist didn’t give much effort on those sixteen cards.

The World Spirit, on the other hand, has big dimensions.  My hands can hardly hold them while shuffling.  It reminds me of my Bright Idea Deck.  The art is beautiful but the cards are hard to handle.  If only I didn’t have tiny hands…

Wish Card

Deviant Moon

9 of Cups

Remember my post about defying my tarot reading about getting the iPhone?  I pulled the 9 of Cups when I asked if it’s best to get it right now.  This card just confirmed that it’s OK.  The problem was, they can’t give me the discounted price because I just got a BlackBerry Bold (which was defective, mind you) last March 2009.  And if I insist on getting it, it would cost up to $600 just for the phone alone.  Well, the other option wasn’t explained to me the last time.

There is a way around it.  If I change my personal plan to a family plan and add a line, I can still get the phone for $199.  It’s a sweet deal.  And with my Employer’s 17% monthly discount, my total monthly bill would still be less than $130.

So anyway, I just got my new iPhone 3Gs 16G (white) and I’m guilt-free.  I miss the simplicity of the iPhone.  Now I can easily sync everything from my mac, surf with the enlarge-able safari browser, make use of Maps again, and try the new available apps.  I was totally crippled when I gave up my old iPhone.  I thought I could survive with the others, but there’s just something with me and Apple products.  LOL.

So do I blame the 9 of Cups for this purchase?  No.  I thank it.  And yes, I’m a mess.

Gone Mental

Ace of Pentacles

I’m done with with buying decks for 2009! That’s it. I caved in. I bought almost everything in my wish list so I can just get it out of my system. No more waiting. No more curiosity. This Christmas, I will get a ton of decks! Woohoo! And it will be mostly Magic Realist Press products.

So yeah, The Victorian Romantic and Tarot of Prague are on their way now. I got them from the Trading Section. The Baroque Bohemian Cats, I won’t buy it, but I requested it from Pat. I gave him the link to Baba Studio’s website and he liked it too. I think he’ll get a copy for himself as well. The Fairytale Tarot and The Fantastic Menagerie are are going to be gifts from mom and dad. LOL. Yowza!

I also purchased the prototype of The Infinite Visions Tarot (a self-published deck). The pictures are so striking that I knew I had to have it. The Dark Priestess and the Dark Magician are a welcome change to me. They are warning cards. It’s very interesting… so I’m giving it a try.

There’s more… I also bought The Light and Dark decks by Bolt Cutter Design. They are limited edition of only 100 prints… and of course, my impulsive nature just didn’t think twice.  It’s printed on an acid-free card stock and it’s not laminated.  For others, it’s a big concern, but my usage of tarot is very light and so I’m not worried at all.

I asked the cards, why I just did what I did. And I pulled the Ace of Pentacles.  I don’t read reversals, but I have a feeling that this reading is about the reversed meaning.  It’s about being happy with the material and tangible aspects of life.  It brings the feeling of happiness and security but to what extent?  Breaking the bank?  Feeling buyer’s remorse?  I’m not entirely sure.  But this card pertains to both the positive and negative.  The positive aspect of this card is that it does give me a feeling of accomplishment (as a collector).  I have to be honest.  I have the collecting bug right now, and my collection is just in the beginning phase.  But just after purchasing all these expensive decks… I feel content for now.  I feel the grounding energy of the pentacle.

The Sun

On another note, I pulled The Sun for today’s energy. I noticed that this card has some similarities with the Tarot of Marseilles. Just when I thought the Deviant Moon is based on the RWS… I’m proved wrong. I’m thinking that it’s a mix of both RWS, Marseilles and Patrick Valenza’s rendition of the tarot. We see two identical people dancing under the sun, naked. This is about being happy with one’s self. It’s about clarity, happiness, and contentment. The alternating straight and crooked rays symbolize the duality of masculine and feminine, and the integration of both. The wall acts as a protection from the outside factors that can break our contentment.

I’m amazed how this card actually reflects my feeling. I’m happy that I have a job. I’m happy that I’m healthy. I’m happy that I have someone who cares for me (and vice versa). So many things to be thankful for. And I need to keep that wall up so it can protect me. The sun’s rays are the blessings that I’m receiving everyday and I’m happy to accept them.

Deck: Deviant Moon by Patrick Valenza

My Energies Today

Using my Fey Tarot, I pulled these cards for today:

4 of Wands | The Fool | 2 of Pentacles

In the 4 of Wands, two fairies are decorating a tree with ribbons, bells and other trinkets.  They seem to be preparing for a special occasion.  It’s either that, or they are already celebrating it.  This is a card about stability, marriage, commitment, or completion.  It’s the perfect time to reward yourself for the hard work and efforts you’ve been doing.  This past week was so busy and considerably strenuous that I think I deserve a break.  I’m gonna be doing some shopping (both personal and gifts) today and just enjoy the weekend.  I will also meet up with a friend of mine from San Francisco and do happy hour in West Hollywood.

The Fool in the Fey Tarot looks very interesting.  His eyes are wide with curiosity and he’s not afraid of showing his admiration.  Wrapped around his body is a string of keys.  This goes to show that he is prepared and well equiped for his journey, but he still needs to learn where each key would fit.  The card is also about being carefree and spontaneous.  It’s funny because I pulled this same card when the same friend (Jason) visited me 2 months ago.  Last time we watched Kylie’s concert… but today, we’re just attending a signing of 2010 Calendar by Asian Men Redefined (@ Gym Sportsbar).

The 2 of Pentacles is just a reminder that I need to balance my schedule today.  I still need to do some organizing in my apartment and I can’t be out all day having fun.  The card shows a male fey holding a huge pentacle… and on top of it is a green fairy balancing herself using just one hand.  Pentacles are about the material and tangible things in life… and since I’m going to start doing my Christmas shopping, this card is also a caution to not overspend.  With all the holiday sales going on, even small items can add up.

Still Bothered

I’m still bothered by my Bohemian Gothic’s bad printing on the “Hanged Man”. I e-mailed Baba Store but I’m still waiting for their response.  I don’t know why, but just this one imperfection is affecting my whole perspective on this deck.

I paid a hefty price on it and I guess I’m expecting something really good.  This is my first deck from Magic Realist Press and I’m actually impressed by the rest of the cards.  I made my first reading with my Bohemian asking what our future relationship outcome would be.  I wanted to know if I should keep it or not.  And the 4 of Cups is what I got.

This card is about discontentment and boredom.  It’s actually the perfect card for what I’m feeling right now.  I really want this deck… and I want to hold on to it.  But I feel like my disappointment would not leave my thoughts.  I really do hope that the publisher will provide me with a replacement card.

On another note… I’m very happy that my first draw from this deck is very accurate.  The picture says a thousand words and I’m intrigued to see what the companion book has to offer.  Despite this little conundrum, I’m still hopeful for this deck.  =D

Deck:  Bohemian Gothic by Magic Realist Press

Something Good

The Fey Tarot

The Sun - Fey Tarot

When I pulled this card today, I knew that good news is just around the corner.

The Sun card is about vitality, pure clarity and happiness.  The picture shows a male fey laying on the field and staring at the bright sunlight.  He is hopeful and filled with dreams.  I noticed that he is wearing loose-fitting clothes.  He has an easy-going personality and he prefers to go with the flow.  He is not strict nor rigid.  By following this attitude, we can achieve a certain level of happiness or contentment within ourselves.

Today, I received my Bohemian Gothic Tarot (by Magic Realist Press).  I got my copy from a trader from Denmark (Aeclectic Trading Section).  It has come along way and is now tired from traveling.  But I welcome them now in my loving arms… =D

I inspected all the cards and I was glad that it’s a complete deck.  I was also amazed by the artwork.  I’ve only seen a few online scans but the rest of the cards are just amazing.  The cardstock, in my opinion, is perfect for rifle shuffling.  At first, I didn’t want to rifle shuffle this deck but I was tempted to do it.  And when I did, I thought it was magical!  🙂

While I was looking and admiring each and every card.  I noticed that my “Hanged Man” has a little print problem.  I thought it was just a smudge from a fingerprint or something but sadly it’s a permanent mark.  It’s a bit disappointing.  But I don’t want to kick myself just for one imperfect card.  I think I will just have to make do with it and realize nothing is perfect.  As I struggle in accepting this, I still emailed baba-prague and told her my situation.  Crossing my fingers here…

Deck:  Fey Tarot by Riccardo Minetti

Taking Control

Fey Tarot

9 of Pentacles - Fey Tarot

This morning, I got the 9 of Pentacles from the Fey Tarot. I’m amazed how I keep getting these nines. Just a few days ago, I got the wish card (9 of cups).  Now I feel lucky.

In this card, we see a fey sitting in her throne.  She is dressed elegantly and is adorned with beautiful trinkets.  While barely noticeable, there are two rings constricting her gown.  I’m thinking that this is about control even when everything seems to be affordable and doable.

There is a huge medallion hanging above her.  The engraving of the grapes symbolize fertility and abundance. This fey is obviously most comfortable in her situation right now.

The bird is resting steadily on top of her head.  It shows an amazing act of discipline.  Birds are hard to train and by looking at this picture, looks like the fey did a good job.

This card is telling me that I am in a good place right now, financially speaking.  It feels like I can buy anything and everything again.  But this doesn’t mean I have to.  Instead of spending the money recklessly, I have to be more careful.

Deck:  Fey Tarot by Riccardo Minetti

Monday Off

Fey Tarot

The Devil - Fey Tarot

I’m using The Fey Tarot for this week.  I’m really liking the images in this deck.  I do not have the companion book so I’m gonna have to make real use of my intuition here.

I’m happy to say that I’m not working this Monday. I have all the time to do chores and errands. I’m surprised to see The Devil for this day because I feel like I’m in the mood for accomplishing a lot of things today.

The picture shows a goofy-looking Devil.  His body is in flames and his eyes are wide open.  He looks very enthusiastic in what he is doing.  Is he eating those trees? Is he eating too much? This card may actually imply unhealthy eating habits… Gluttony perhaps?  I guess, that’s one way of describing this card.  This actually reminded me of my lunch yesterday with Patrick and Debbie at Din Tai Fung Dumpling House.  We indulged ourselves with all the goodness.  And yes, I felt kinda sick afterwards from being so full!

I looked up the LWB and it mentioned something about deceit and stupidity. LOL. I’m thinking that this is involving my unrealistic “to do” list again. The Devil, for me, seems to come up every time I have to do something serious. I have a feeling that this card is about temptations and distractions. What are the distractions for today? Probably the internet and possibly procrastination. Ok, that being said… I have to stop right now and go on with my day!  Have a good week everybody!


Update & Note to self: The Devil may also mean impulsive buying and overspending. Just had my Deviant Moon prints custom-framed and I think I overdid it. Oh well… still a happy camper here. I deserve good things! =D

Deck: The Fey Tarot by Riccardo Minetti